芋粿巧 Half-Moon Shape Taro Rice Cake

材料 Ingredients
客家粿皮 Hakka Rice Dough 1 份 portion
芋頭 Taro2/5 磅 lb (180g)
絞肉 Ground pork2/5 磅 lb (180g)
乾香菇 Dried shitake mushroom5 朵 ea
蝦米 Dried shrimp 1 大匙 Tbs
炸紅蔥頭 Fried shallot 2 小匙 tsp
食用油 Cooking oil 2+3 大匙 Tbs
醬油膏 Soy sauce paste 1-1/2 大匙 Tbs
白胡椒 Ground white pepper 1 小匙 tsp
粽葉 Bamboo leaf 4 葉 ea

1.香菇用水泡軟後去蒂切成小丁。蝦米用水泡軟後略切。芋頭去皮後切成1 cm小丁。

1.Soak the mushrooms and dried shrimps in warm water until both are soft. Remove the stems from the mushrooms and cut them into dice size. Roughly cut the dried shrimps. Peel the taro and cut it into 1 cm cubes.
2.Prepare the Hakka Rice Dough .
3.Add 2 tbs. of oil and dried shrimps in a heated pan. Sauté until aromatic. Place in the mushrooms and ground pork. Stir until the ground pork is loosened. Add the taro, soy sauce paste, white pepper and 1 tbs of fried shallot. Stir until all the ingredients are combined.
4.Place the rice dough and the ingredients on step 3 in the mixing bowl. Install a flat beater to the mixer and mix over speed 1 until all the ingredients are combined. Hand knead the dough if you don't have a mixer.
5.Cut the bamboo leaves into 6" long pieces. You will need 10 pieces.
6.Spread oil all over your hands. Take 1/10 of the dough and form it into a tube. Shape the tube into a half-moon. Place it on a piece of the bamboo leaf. Repeat this step until finishing all the dough.
7.Bring the water in a steamer to a boil. Place the rice dough in the steamer and sprinkle with the remaining fried shallot. Steam the rice cake over medium heat for 20 minutes.

最後更新 (Last Update): 11/06/2015
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